Lucid dreaming has been acknowledged for centuries, but has till lately remained a rare and little recognized phenomenon. My own scientific and personal explorations, together with the findings of additional dream researchers across the world, have merely started to shed light on this strange state of consciousness. Lately, this fresh research field has captivated the attention of the population outside the domain of scientific dream research as studies have demonstrated that given suitable training, individuals may learn to have lucid dreams. But why are individuals interested in learning to be conscious in their dreams? Fitting in with my own experience, and the testimony of 1000s of additional lucid dreamers, lucid dreams may be inordinately vivid, intense, gratifying, and exhilarating. Individuals often consider their lucid dreams as amid the most fantastic experiences of their lives.

If this were all there were to it, lucid dreams might be delightful, but finally trivial entertainment. But, as many have already discovered, you may utilize lucid dreaming to better the quality of your waking life. 1000s of individuals have said how they're utilizing the knowledge and experience they've gained in lucid dreams to help them acquire more out of living. While the outlines of a practical art and science of lucid dreaming are simply starting to emerge and the systematic utilization of lucid dreaming as a tool for psychological self-exploration is still in its infancy, most individuals may safely utilize the available knowledge about lucid dreaming to carry on their own explorations. Likely the only individuals who shouldn't experiment with lucid dreaming are those who are not able to distinguish between waking reality and expressions of their imagination.