The Inventory of Good Learner Repertoires

A "good learner" is someone who readily responds to instruction in a wide variety of situations. These learners can not only spend time in a variety of non-restrictive settings, such as regular education classrooms and community locations, but can also learn new skills in those settings. "The Inventory of Good Learner Repertoires" covers 139 items that assess the ease with which a learner can be taught. These items are separated into 10 categories: Behavioral Excesses, Behavioral Supports, Resilience and Regulation, Readiness, Perseverance and Focus, Flexibility, Consequences, Preferences for Learning Channels, Spontaneity, and Potential to Benefit from Inclusion. "The Inventory of Good Learner Repertoires" will help teachers and parents identify ways in which they can improve the efficiency of their instruction. Every learner's programming can benefit from consideration of "The Inventory of Good Learner Repertoires".