If there's one thing that separates the Successful from the rest it's this: Successful people don't burn their time on drudge work. They don't waste their energy trying to do every single little task like an overworked secretary. They delegate the jobs to other people. Then they stay focused on the Plan. They are in charge of the Ideas and the overall Blueprint of the Project. You are the Project Leader. There are many ways to Automate and Outsource very cheaply, and we show you these in this guide. Successful People Make Other People Successful Add value to other People's Lives and Business and you will always have plenty of Success and plenty of Money. The problems will melt away because people begin to look at you as the Problem Solver. The Person to turn to when they need a Boost. Successful people Build a Team. You help the Team be the best they can be, and the Team makes the Project the best that it can be. Everyone wins in this scenario and Quality Products spring to life. Not only that, but the Team also inspires You. You will never want to let the Team down. You will come through for them no matter what. Ok, here we go!

More Expert Advice: www.ProductCreati Let's go to the mindmap to get a fast look at the Product Creation Process. The nodes are clickable and will take you right to the resource. You can refer to the mindmap at any time for a quick boost, and you can also add your own nodes and ideas to it. Download Xmind for Free and the Popular Topic mindmap: Download Xmind Popular Topic MindMap Pick A Topic What Topic should you build your product around? We want a topic with Hungry Buyers. This is an Extremely Important Point. If you find a crowd of People who haven't eaten for 2 Days, do you think you could sell hamburgers to them? All you would need to do is get your Hamburger Stand in front of them and you'd have a Guaranteed Winner. What if your hamburgers really aren't very good? Guess what, the Crowd is Starving, they would buy anyway. But, you wouldn't get their next sale. So we of course always Overdeliver and make Great Stuff so that people Remember Us and Come Back For More. Then the Second Sale is much easier to get than the first. Let's look at quick ways to find the Topics that people are already asking for.