How many businesses do you know that you can start without having to lease a building, buy a lot of equipment, pay a franchise fee, bring on a lot of employees, and all the overhead that normally comes with a brick and mortar type store? With eBay, it’s very limited. In fact, very little equipment is needed. That’s the second point. The third point: very little learning, or studying. The fourth point: There's a short learning curve. The fifth point: There are no worries about getting traffic. eBay handles that. That is a big problem that people have. A lot of people will come to me and say: “Mike, I went and made my own Web site or I paid somebody a lot of money to make this beautiful Web site. I got it set up. I found product to sell, but I'm not selling anything. I'm not making any money.”

What’s the reason? They're not getting any traffic. See, that’s what eBay does for you. One of the most difficult things anybody on the Internet has for a problem is how to get traffic to the Web site. That’s what eBay does for you. Actually, eBay does it for a quite reasonable cost. If anybody has tried to do a Google AdWords campaign or pay per click or regular advertising or any type of newspaper advertising, you know it’s very expensive to get attention. That’s what eBay does. They bring the traffic to you. That is why it’s one of the easiest ways to get started. It’s not only traffic as in raw traffic, but it’s very targeted traffic. When somebody goes to eBay, typically they are not randomly looking at auctions! No.. they are looking for something in particular. They know what they're looking for, and if you're the person on eBay selling it, then you have a very good chance that you're going to have a new customer and that you're going to sell your product.