1.1 The Not-So-Nice Picture of Internet Marketing Have you ever heard the term, ‘mind your own business’? Sometimes it is used in a rather derogatory way but it really is actually very good advice when it comes to Internet marketing. Every day a great many new people enter the internet marketing arena. They join the mailing lists of internet marketing gurus who they hope will guide them and then they are simply bombarded with ‘offers they can’t refuse’ by these gurus. A lot of these offers are nothing more than hype and fluff designed mainly to separate the new marketer from his money. It doesn’t usually take very long for even the most naive new internet marketer to begin to feel used and disillusioned. It really isn’t hard to get caught up in all of the excitement of a product launch by a big name internet marketer. Fast-Paced Internet Marketing Success 8 Fast-Paced Internet Marketing Success After all, they are the gurus...the head honchos....the guys that are supposed to know what new marketers really need in order to become successful. They are great salesmen! How do you think that they became a big name internet marketer? They are masters of the hard sell. Now I am not telling you that all of the products that are launched by big name internet marketers are bogus or that they are all nothing but hype and fluff. That isn’t true at all. There are a great many very good...even excellent products out there than can help you become successful. The trick is being able to tell which ones are good products and will be of value to you and which ones are being launched for the sole purpose of selling them to you.

This is where that old saying, ‘mind your own business’ comes in. It really is up to you to know your own business well enough to be able to distinguish between the products that will really help you and those that are just ‘built to sell’ as my grandpa used to say.