Content Creation is the process of research, aggregation, analysis and organisation of web content and presenting it in a meaningful, coherent and organized way.  It is usually done based around a particular topic, or niche.  Content curation suggests that it is carried out by a real person, a human being, rather than by a piece of software or service. That in turn suggests that the Human Being is a Curator, usually an expert in the field being curated.  Due to the vast amounts of data available, and being constantly created every day in huge volume, the task can be time consuming and difficult Content is King. That’s why it’s useful.  Every business, entrepreneur, organisation need to produce, or publish content.  Creating new content is difficult and time consuming.

 So acting as a Content Curator is a viable alternative.  Instead of producing the content, curating it is an easier (possibly) option What does this mean in term of your reputation?  It presents you as the expert, the trusted source, the one that is ‘in the know’. Gaining this reputation is very valuable, it adds to your brand and builds your social capital.