I can’t believe I’m actually writing “the” book that is going to help you achieve the level of health and fitness that you have always dreamed of. Me. Little, scrawny, sickly Darlene that was always last picked in gym class and couldn’t run a block to save her life. I spent most of my childhood and young adult years struggling with my health. I battled severe allergies, asthma, spastic colon and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and low self-esteem for as long as I could remember. I grew up sickly, weak and defeated. I was told not to over-exert myself, take my medicines regularly and make the best of it. I wasn’t encouraged to play outside for fear of my allergies and asthma “getting stirred up” and needless to say sports were out of the question. One year I attempted to play softball - but it’s hard to want to try at something where you get made fun of regularly…so I rarely played. During my college years I was in and out of the emergency room with “tummy” complications due to my spastic colon, IBS and poor diet.

I continued to battle with my health until my mid 20’s. One day I got SICK AND TIRED of being SICK AND TIRED. I had to take control and take back my life. I studied food and how it affected my body. I began to make healthier choices and was blown over by the way I started to feel. I had energy, felt great and best of all my IBS and “tummy problems” just disappeared! I felt so good that I started to exercise. Me, Exercise! WOW! It wasn’t easy and I had to crawl before I could walk BUT I DID IT! The girl who couldn’t even run in gym class or do a single push up was jogging daily and lifting weights. I couldn’t believe how my body was transforming before my eyes. I went from being the scrawny, sickly girl to a fit, new and improved version of me. The thing that amazed me the most was that my allergies even improved, anyone suffers from them knows how big of a statement that is! I took control of my health which eventually helped me focus more on my marriage (nearly 15 years and stronger than ever), dive deeper in my faith, gain self confidence and reach a level happiness in life I never thought possible.