Fresh vegetable juice can help you lose weight better than any other single thing you could add to your weight loss program. This is the secret of my Juice Lady’s Turbo Diet. A recent study evaluated surveys of 500 people on a living foods diet, and showed that a high percentage of live foods— meaning raw foods—helped more than 80 percent of the people surveyed lose weight. “Amazing” is a word I hear frequently about this program because it works so well. Thousands of people have lost weight with the Juice Lady’s Turbo Diet and The Weekend Weigh Loss Diet. But here’s where it differs from almost all the other diets out there. The Turbo Diet juicing program is a way of life—not a temporary “quick fix” diet that you ditch when you lose your weight. Donna said, “I'm on day four and cannot imagine ever going back to my old eating style.” The juicing lifestyle is a way of life that you can follow for the rest of your life. I think you’ll want to follow it for another reason—for your health’s sake. Many people have contacted me after being on the Turbo Diet for a while Juice Off the Pounds • • Copyright © 2013 and said weight loss became secondary to all the other amazing health benefits they’ve received. I typically hear people report that their pain has disappeared—headaches gone, back pain gone, knee, ankle, and foot pain gone, or joint pain gone. Leslie called to say, “I love this diet. Within three days, the pain in my thumb and joints has disappeared.” I get reports on skin improvements, hypertension gone, sleep improved, mood improved—people become happier and much more capable of dealing with stress. . . and on and on the list goes.