I am Rupinder Kaur, founder of ‘Raw Rasoi’. I am writing with the mission to spread the unbelievable benefits and healing powers of raw food—based on my own lifechanging transformation—to as many families as possible. Many people the world over follow a raw vegan lifestyle see the miraculous benefits in their overall health and well being, and if they can make the change then why not YOU?

When I switched to raw food my aim was to solve my chronic issues of acidity and the continuous pain in the soles of my feet. Both problems were solved within 3 days of my going fully raw but I never knew that in the long run this diet will also help me in reversing my asthma which is considered a hereditary problem along with curing a host of other problems like migraines, cervical spinal issues, insomnia, low blood pressure and many more, along with the added benefit of losing all my excess weight. Being a raw vegan, I get a lot of questions about my diet. The first thing people want to know is ‘What is Raw Food?’ and once I give a brief introduction and talk about the benefits of going raw, the next question is always ‘Where should I start from?’ This e-book ‘Start Your Day Raw’ is my answer. This book helps you in not only learning about the benefits of a raw diet theoretically but actually experiencing them for yourself. Making the recipes and tasting them in your own kitchen will make it an indispensable part of your life.