The strategies in this book originate from Jiu-Jitsu. Jiu-Jitsu itself forms the cornerstone of a lot of other Martial Arts, the origins go back thousands of years and are still utilized by Military and police in general. The strategies here have been updated to suit contemporary situations, they'll differ somewhat from person to person but essentially everybody, young and old is capable of executing these strategies which are easy to learn but might take longer to perfect. It's through repeating and teaching to other people that makes you ask yourself the necessary questions to help you really comprehend the strategies. When you're learning, don’t be in a whole lot of a hurry to rush on and cover the following strategies. Take your time and let the concept to be soaked up.

This system is assembled of assorted concepts; it's far easier to learn a couple of concepts than to learn a different strategy to counter each different type of attack. We have adopted some of the very primary concepts used to produce a range of breaks aways blended with some primary hitting and placing. Together they'll give you a great feel for some of the basics of self-defense. Right now you might well live in a place where you feel it’s safe and unnecessary for this type of book but will it forever be like that? Is the region expanding with new individuals bringing in different thoughts and values with them? Will you leave that region to travel for work or even fun? It may be very useful just to learn some fresh ideas. Open your mind and have a look at the situation from a wider point of view, there’s no harm in being prepared for the unforeseen.