Children grow up too fast. Before too long the almost indistinguishable speck in your womb is going to be flying down a hill on a bike with their hands in the air and driving down the interstate in your new car. Before you know it you’ll be telling them good-bye as they start college, crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. You’ll never have the opportunity to nurture them again that you do right now, when they’re safely inside you tucked away from the outside world. This is going to be the last time in your life that it’s a piece of cake to get them to eat their vegetables, so enjoy it! You’re going to spend the next eighteen years (and then some) trying to convince them that spinach is good for them and that the slimy stuff on the outside of their carrots is just pulp, but right now you’re making all the decisions when it comes to what they eat. Proper pregnancy nutrition is a vital factor in proper fetal development because the fetus is physically incapable of providing for itself, nor can it show any visible signs of malnourishment between monthly check-ups as a newborn can. That means that for the next nine months it’s going to be completely up to you to ensure that you are properly eating for two, taking in the vitamins and nutrients that are going to help you give birth to a healthy, happy baby while keeping yourself healthy at the same time.

Remember, baby’s going to take what it needs long before those nutrients ever have the opportunity to go through your system. By not eating properly you’re not only harming your baby, you’re harming yourself as well. That’s why it’s so important that you make sure you get the vitamins and nutrients that you need for the next nine months as well. Lack of attention might still lead to a healthy baby, but baby’s not going to change themselves! Mom needs to be healthy too in order to keep up with her little bundle of joy in the coming months. Giving birth is hard enough on the body. You certainly don’t want to add malnutrition into the mix.