I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched women cry as a result of the way their men treated them. I knew instinctively, which men women should stay away from. Of course no one ever listened to me until it was too late. Then I stumbled upon information written over 100-years ago. I began to read it and said, “Wow! This is so accurate it’s unbelievable.” I read it several more times. That’s when I decided you needed to read this. This guide explains in detail the mentality and actions of an untrained man (or what some woman may claim to be underdeveloped men).

I saw myself while reading it and it was scary. I finally figured out those things the hard way! However, this guide can truly help the man who desires to improve himself. It can also assist the woman who wants to know at least one reason why she’s always getting hurt in relationships. You should know this is the beginning! There’s another guide in the works titled, “Finally Revealed! The Secrets Women Kept From Men for Centuries!” That particular guide will piss many men off. Especially those who claim to be good men but are really boys pretending and playing games with women. Okay, enough already! I’ll stop writing so you can start reading! You are going to enjoy this guide. I promise!