You know the Internet is a great place to start your own business, but you have no idea how or where to start. You’ve tried the affiliate programs and the so-called “opportunities” only to be disappointed time and time again. You want to have your own products, but you don’t have the time or starting capital it requires to roll them out. In short, you’re stuck. You have the desire but you don’t have the vehicle. Oh sure, you’ve read about how some “guru” wrote a best-selling book or came up with some million dollar idea, but what about the average Joe or Jane who can’t write and isn’t bursting with ideas? What do they do? What do YOU do?

Well I don’t claim to be a guru or a world-class writer. If I were then what help would I be to someone who doesn’t have those special talents or gifts? I’m a regular guy, just like you (unless of course you happen to be a lady, but you get the idea ). There was a time when I had more obligations than free-time, and more bills than income. And yet somehow I managed to find a formula for succeeding online that worked for me. But more importantly, I found a formula that will work for *anyone* who really wants to succeed. (And if you’re reading this then I assume that includes YOU.)