I've been learning online skills since August 2008 and at the start I didn't know what the heck Internet Marketing was and how I was going to make money from it. For almost 12 months I searched the internet buying the latest products in hope that they would help me make my first income online. I had no direction, I didn't know where to start and as time went on I became frustrated and lost. Then in July 2009 that all changed when I signed up to a coaching program by Alex Jeffreys. If you never heard of Alex Google his name or you can visit his blog. In the coaching program Alex showed me a proven system to build and run an online business. I only wish I had this kind of coaching back when I started out, it would have saved me a lot of time and grief.

I know how frustrating it can be not knowing what to do next or even not knowing where to start, so my aim in this guide is to give you direction and to help you get started with your online venture. Creating Content To make money online you need to build relationships with people through helpful, informative content. People are more likely to take out there credit card and pay you money if they know, like and trust you. You need to work on getting a horde of followers that are almost desperate to throw money at you and to this you need to create valuable free content.