5 Strategies To Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Do you not feel adequate at work? If you do, then you are not alone in that way of thinking. An outstanding 70% of people admit to feeling like they aren’t good enough at some point in their career. However, you need to realize that you are good enough. This feeling is known as imposter syndrome. It is something that sticks with you for long periods of time, making you feel almost crippling amounts of self-doubt. We will be covering everything that you need to know in this short report, so be sure to continue reading if you or someone you know suffers from imposter syndrome.

What Is Imposter Syndrome? To briefly define this way of thinking, imposter syndrome is very loosely like doubting all of your skills and abilities. Many people that suffer from it feel like a fraud in their success- making them worry that they will be “found out” some day. These feelings usually stem from perfectionism and a childhood with critical parents. Plus, those who felt excluded early on in their lives can also suffer from it, making it more common among minorities, those with learning disorders, or people with social anxiety. The condition mostly affects very successful people, who tricked themselves into thinking their wins came from luck alone, and not from their many talents and hard work.