No man is an island and so, nobody can fulfill all of his or her responsibilities without the help and motivation of others. Truly, a company, a sports team, or organization will be miserable if the members of it will not be willing to work with one another. A certain group will not be able to achieve its vision and mission if there’s no unity and teamwork. Here in this book, you will learn more about one word: UNITY and its benefits to you, to your peers and to your group. Start reading today and find the right answers to all the questions you have in mind. Unity is one of the most important things that every person should consider. Wherever you go, you will find that unity matters to everything as it is very essential inside a company, organization, and even in a community.

Just imagine a group of people working and helping each other in doing and completing a certain activity. Visualize how much they care for each other. That’s a very pleasing one, right? That’s what unity can do. With unity, everything works fine. When each member of the team starts to care for each other, no problem will be hard to resolve.