What many people don’t realize when they start out on the solopreneur journey, is that they are pioneers. There are more solopreneurs today than ever before, because the power of the internet has transformed the way we do business. It has given us all access to more powerful tools, more resources, and a platform through which to reach billions of people. The problem? This is uncharted territory and many people have no idea how to thrive in these new circumstances. How do you get the most out of your brain? How do you stay on task? How do you avoid burning out? Especially when you are filling every role in your one-man “organization” and all the responsibility is on you! How Changing Your Mindset Transforms Your Productivity – An Example Interestingly, sometimes you can enhance your brain function simply by focussing on the right thing or changing the way you think. For the solopreneur wanting to get more out of their working day, this can have profound implications.

Let’s start with some examples of how simply ‘reframing’ a situation can help you to accomplish greater cognition. The example that comes to mind is the aforementioned hypothetical ‘limit’ of working memory, which is set at 5+/-2. Regardless of the new interpretation of working memory, this limit still exists, likely as we struggle to hold that information in the mind’s eye and focus without losing track of it.