Research projects support the need for affirmations and positive thoughts to better leadership abilities. Utilize this book to help guide you in affirmations for better self-awareness, tension relief, innovation, productivity and better leadership. Be vocal and transparent in your practice and help those that you lead to abide by your example. Do this - and you'll metamorphose yourself and your organization. Affirmations are a valuable tool to help alter the beliefs, images and thought processes that you have inside you that might be holding you back from accomplishing/altering/doing what it is you wish with your life.

As a matter of fact, your self-talk is an all-day-long affirmation. You have to realize thought that what you might be affirming to yourself might not be the most good for you. For instance, how often have you said to yourself "No, I'm no good at ...?" "No, I might never do ...". These are both affirmations, but affirmations that stop you from getting what you want. You wish to design and utilize affirmations that support you in your personal growth.