The first date is crucial to the outcome of the relationship. Have a blast and things are likely to turn out great, have a bad time on the other hand and your relationship is likely over! The place you go and what you do for your first date can often be as important as what you talk about. Take her to do something she enjoys and everything else will likely fall into lace, go somewhere boring and you will have a hard time making her happy.

So, without further ado, here are some gret first date ideas: • Take a drive down to the beach and walk and talk. It's a cheap date and a good way to find out about the other person. Ring up your local pool hall, find out when its the quietest and go have a game of pool together. Go to mini golf. The beauty of mini golf is there will be a lot of other couples around as well and families, so it makes for a comfortable setting. Take your date to a concert. If you've been friends with this person for a while, you'll know what he or she likes and you can work on that. If you don't know the person well