Occasionally, when all our questions, dreads and insecurities wrap us up, we come up with the thought of “I wish I was someone else.” More frequently than not, we think and trust that somebody or rather, most individuals are better than us - when actually, the fact is, many individuals are more frightened than us.

Why It Helps You spot a completely attention-getting girl sitting by herself at a party, nonchalantly sipping on a glass of wine. You think to yourself, “She appears so utterly calm and confident.” However if you could read her mind, you'd see a bunch of scared thoughts and you may just be astonished that she’s thinking “are people discussing why I'm seated here alone?... Why don’t men find me attractive? …I don’t like my body, I look fat… I wish I was as smart as my best friend.” We see a young business entrepreneur and state “what else could he need?” He stares at himself at the mirror and grumbles to himself, “I detest my eyes… I wonder why my friends won’t talk to me….”