Each year the nu m ber of chi ldren diagnosed with learning disabi l i t ies skyrockets from the previous year. In fact, many of these cases are being diagnosed simply because the “exper ts” are able to prof i t of these diagnoses. Although there are many exper ts that are genuinely concerned about the chi ld’s wel fare, there are those who are falsely diagnosing many children. Learning disabi l i t ies actual ly extend beyond an inabi l i ty to learn certain subject areas or act ions; many actual ly extend to other condi t ions whether they are mental illness, behavioral proble m s or other disorders that are attached to learning disabi l i t ies. To understand learning disabi l i t ies fully, you must do so m e research of your ow n. Do not simply take an “experts” word on the fact that you or your chi ld may have a learning disabi l i ty. Research must be conducted so you kno w exact ly what you are deal ing with. This eB ook is designed to provide you with som e of that infor m at ion and research and to help you understand learning disabi l i t ies, the various types and ho w to deal with the m. Disclai m er: This infor m at ion provided here is not presented by a medical pract i tioner and is for educat ional and infor m at ional purposes only. The content is not intended to be a subst i tute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treat m ent. Al w ays seek the advice of your physician or other qual i fied heal th care provider with any quest ions you may have regarding a medical condi t ion. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking medical assistance because of som ething you have read.

Since natural and dietary supple m ents are not FD A approved they must be acco m panied by a two- part disclai m er on the product label that the state m ent has not be evaluated by the FD A and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”