WHAT IS LOW SELF ESTEEM AND WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS? When you first look at newborn babies you realize that they’re completely untarnished and unscathed from the world that lies before them. We weren’t born with a low self esteem, it is shaped from our life experiences and our interaction with our peers and it forms the basis of how we see ourselves, both the good and the bad. A major part of how we view ourselves is through the perspective of others.

It’s true, how often do you have the wind taken out of your sails when someone doesn’t like you simply because you laugh too loudly? Subconsciously you begin to think the same thing about yourself and before you know it you’ve sustained yet another battle chink in your self esteem armor. Years down the track, your armor tends to look a little worse for the wear, beaten and battered you feel deflated and self defeated. All of these experiences eventually shape you into who you become. Self esteem issues are most often the most difficult to detect because the wounds aren’t inflicted physically and people can’t see the damage you’ve sustained over the years. It’s not until the deep seeded issues rear their ugly head that you finally realize you need help.