If you feel like something in your life or body has been lacking lately, you might be wondering what you can do to start taking steps to become whole again. Part of feeling whole inside and out means that you need to master your health in several different areas including physically, mentally, and spiritually. If you are lacking control of your life or aren’t sure how to get your next steps, you can use this guide for the 5 easiest ways to begin feeling whole both inside and out. Take One Step at a Time Sometimes to change your life, you might think you need to be taking big giant steps to become whole again. If you try to task and overwhelm yourself with big giant tasks, you will never be able to accomplish what you want. Instead, focusing on just moving in the right direction with one small step, followed by another small step.

For example, if you want to lose weight, you can start by exercising once a week and cutting sugar once a day. These changes are manageable and doable. If you try to tell yourself you will exercise every day and that you won’t eat sugar anymore, you might find yourself unable to make such large changes in a short period of time. Once you are comfortable exercising twice a week, you can add on another day or two depending on your work and time constraints. You can also add on another day of not eating sugar and snacking.