The holiday season approaches and there is one thing that you are guaranteed to go through – a rollercoaster of eating, from indulging in big meals and baked treats to telling yourself you’ll do better tomorrow. It’s every dieter’s worse nightmare – and once the holiday season is gone and you step on the scales it can be disheartening, to say the least. How can you keep your weight loss journey on track and make sure you keep your appetite in check? As it turns out, the most effective solution might just be found in aromatherapy.

Imagine, after ushering in the New Year you don’t need to stress about your weight loss commitment for your resolutions list, instead, you can sit pretty knowing you have effectively managed the holiday season without derailing your efforts. You don’t need to rush to the gym on the 2nd of January to join up – you don’t need to be too hard on yourself either. You can make it through winter unscathed by the typical temptations. It’s your appetite and cravings that present the greatest threat to achieving your weight loss goals so gaining control over the battle between your body and mind is key. While there is no magic bullet or pill that will simply melt your fat away – essential oils have an important role to play.