A few years ago, I was browsing the internet and began to see more and more references to blogs and blogging. After a bit of additional investigation, I discovered exactly what a blog was and how to build one for myself. After some more research, I learned about ways to possibly profit from the creation and maintenance of a blog. Google Adsense, for instance, seemed to hold real possibility for revenue production. It was an exciting idea. I could create and easily maintain a dynamic web site on the subject of my choice and make some money at the same time! I dove in headfirst.

I enjoyed writing in the blog and tweaking with its layout. In time, I was sure, the blog would “take off” and earnings would start to compile. I was wrong. I had everything: good content, a popular topic and well-placed advertising. Nothing was happening. The reason: few visitors. Even after adopting some of the frequently recommended methods of generating content, my blog was still only producing a few cents a day--on its best days!