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Learning a new language is hard. Many have eagerly set out to learn Spanish, only to be dismayed. Endless vocabulary flash cards. Monotonous lists of confusing grammar rules. Textbook-style lectures that lack engagement. All of this diminishes the joy of learning Spanish and saps a new learner’s motivation. What if there was a more exciting way learn? 

Spanish Short Stories for Beginners was specifically written for those looking for a fun and engaging approach to learning Spanish. With 11 exciting stories inside, you will be able to improve your Spanish in a more natural way. You will develop reading and listening skills with a smile. 

Listening to this book will: 
Add 1,500+ Spanish words and expressions to your vocabulary. Improve your ability to understand spoken Spanish.  Help you become comfortable with Spanish grammar rules through realistic conversations that are naturally integrated throughout the stories. 
Spanish Short Stories for Beginners also includes over two hours of audio recorded by a professional voice actor. Now is your chance to improve your Spanish language skills in a simple and enjoyable way. Let’s get started!  

Domingo Borrego is a native Spanish speaker who spends his time between Spain and England. He loves teaching Spanish to English speakers.